Australian Cobberdogs
Imperial Faberge

Puppy Culture Training

Your Quick Start To Puppy Culture – PUPPY CULTURE (

Through positive encouragement and support the puppies are introduced to a variety of experiences from birth to 8 weeks:

- ENS exercises. 

- Temperament Testing

- Exposure to new/unexpected simulated noises (virtual fireworks/car starting/kids playing, etc).

- Introduction to Grooming (bath, high-velocity blow dry, brush, nails, clippers).

- Getting them used to touching and handling the paws, ears, head, legs, etc; as well as being picked up, carried, and put down.

- Car Exposure 1-2 times a week from 6 weeks old.

- Litter/Spot trained, which establishes a clear difference in the potty area and to sleeping/home area; this is a great tool to help transition into house training when your puppy comes home!

- Well-loved and more! A happy puppy is one who has been raised with love. I put as much time, effort, and care as I can into each puppy to allow them to have the best start in life it can. Our puppies are loved on constantly; Be sure to watch our Instagram stories when we have a litter to see the puppies day by day!

Through positive encouragement and support the puppies are introduced to a variety of experiences from birth to 8 weeks.


Australian Cobberdogs Imperial Faberge